Izon Science Support Centre
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The Exoid Control Suite Software
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Troubleshooting: TRPS Measurements
Troubleshooting: Blockages and Bubbles
Troubleshooting: Pressure Module
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Data Analysis
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qNano Data Processing
TRPS Consumables
Calibration Particles
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qEV Columns
User Guides
Care of qEV Columns
qEV Operation
Sample Preparation for qEV
Performance Metrics
Product Overview: qEV Size Exclusion Columns
Automatic Fraction Collector (AFC) V2
AFC Updater
Automatic Fraction Collector (AFC) V1
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qEV Kits
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Izon Science Support Centre
Data Analysis
TRPS Measurement
TRPS Fundamentals
Troubleshooting: Blockages and Bubbles
Sample Preparation and Measurement
The Exoid
Instrument Maintenance
Installation and System Setup
Reference Materials
User Manuals
The Exoid Control Suite Software
Troubleshooting: System Setup
Troubleshooting: TRPS Measurements
Troubleshooting: Blockages and Bubbles
Troubleshooting: Pressure Module
Instrument Maintenance
Installation and System Setup
Product Overview and Reference Material
qNano Control Suite Software
Data Analysis
Key Concepts
Data Analysis
Data Processing
Data Management and Customisation
qNano Data Processing
TRPS Consumables
Calibration Particles
Training Kit
Reagent Kit
qEV Columns
User Guides
Care of qEV Columns
qEV Operation
Sample Preparation for qEV
Performance Metrics
Product Overview: qEV Size Exclusion Columns
Automatic Fraction Collector (AFC) V2
AFC Updater
Automatic Fraction Collector (AFC) V1
Contact Us
Safety Data Sheets (SDS)
qEV Kits
qEV Zenco
Installation and System Setup
User Manuals
User Manual
Data Analysis
Make the most out of your Data Analysis Software with these tips and tricks.
How can I get the latest Izon Data Suite software release?
Data Processing
How do I delete filtered data points?
How do I apply a filter to data?
How do I view multiple samples at the same time?
How do I filter out data, post-processing?
How do I calibrate the sample measurements?
How do I change the sample or calibration details?
How do I view or edit a concentration fraction?
Why is the RMS noise different during recording and post-processing?
How do I remove a group file from view?
How do I display a chart?
How do I change the calculation for the Mean Size and Duration value?
How do I sort columns in the Blockade Summary Table?
How do I delete the applied filter?
How do I reprocess a group file?
How do I save any changes made to the sample file or a group?
See more
Data Management and Customisation
How do I edit the sample name and font style?
How do I edit the charts?
How do I view multiple charts at the same time?
What other options are there for y-axis units other than concentration?
How do I edit the range of x- and y-axis?
What other size units are available and how do I change it?
How do I rename my group files?
How do I open recorded files?
Where are data files stored?
What is the benefit of grouping processed files?
How do I add more files to a group?
How do I save changes to a group?
What chart options are available?
How do I change the colour on the charts?
How do I change the order of viewed data sets? (Bring to Front)
How do I change the background of the charts?
How do I change the point or marker shape and size for scatter and dynamic plots?
How do I change the font and alignment of x- and y-axis labels and units?
What other duration display option is available?
How do I change the on-screen layout and position of the legend?
How do I add Concentration Fraction in the legend?
How do I delete the legend from the displayed charts?
How do I adjust the transparency of the bars in the histogram?
How do I change the histogram bin size?
How do I turn off histogram drop lines?
See more
Glossary of data provided in reports
How do I view and export the measurement Summary Statistics page?
How do I export data and what format is available?
How do I view the summary report?
How do I alter the image export dimension and format?
See more
Video: How to interpret TRPS data.
Video: How to process your TRPS data.
Video: How to process zeta potential data
qNano Data Processing
How do I process files recorded on Classic Capture mode?
How do I create a group file?