- Izon Science Support Centre
- Data Analysis
- qNano Data Processing
How do I process files recorded on Classic Capture mode?
Files recorded in Classic Capture or from an earlier version of Control Suite may require processing.
- Unprocessed files will appear in the DATA FILES window under the heading UNPROCESSED FILES.
A maximum of 50 files can be loaded in the CSS.
- The filenames of the unprocessed files can be viewed by expanding the UNPROCESSED FILES folder.
- A file can be removed from the list by right clicking on the filename and selecting REMOVE FILE.
- A file can be added to the list by clicking on the OPEN DATA FILES button (located in the main ribbon).
- To process the files right-click on the text UNPROCESSED FILES and select PROCESS FILES. The progress of this processing will be shown in a progress dialog box; processing may take a few minutes depending on the number and size of files.
- Once processed, files will be removed from the UNPROCESSED FILES folder and added to a DEFAULT folder; files are automatically sorted into sample or calibration files.