How do I open recorded files?

To open additional data files

  1. Click the Open Data Files button (located in the main ribbon). 
  2. Locate required file and double-click on the filename or click Open. 
  • Unprocessed files will be added to the Unprocessed Files folder.
  • Processed files will be sorted under their investigation name and sorted into the Sample and Calibration files.
  • Group files will be loaded under their Group name.

To open more than one file within an Investigation folder

  1. Click on the Open Data Files button. 
  2. Select an Investigation Folder. 
  3. Click on the drop-down list next to the Open button and select Open All. All files in the investigation folder will then be opened. 

The Control Suite Software can open a maximum of 50 files at a time, the Izon Data Suite can open up to 100 files at a time.


To open files recorded on an earlier version of Izon's Control Suite Software (non .idfs files)

  1. Click the Open Data Files button.
  2. Change the file type from Data Archive to All Izon Data Files.
  3. Navigate to the appropriate files and click Open.