What is the latest version of the AFC Updater?
The AFC Updater software is used to update both the AFC V1 and V2 models, and can be downloaded here.
Instructions for updating the AFC V1 and AFC V2 are slightly different and their respective update instructions, current version numbers and patch notes can be found below:
The current version of the AFC Updater is, this update featured the following improvements and fixes:
- Moved AFC Updater log outputs to "%appdata%/Izon/AFC/Logs".
- Fixed an issue with the download of the V2 package initiating too soon after the V1 package requiring a program restart.
- Improved stability of the USB detection of the AFC device.
- Fixed an issue where the update would fail due to usernames containing spaces.
- Changed text displayed when the AFC USB is plugged in while the unit is still powered on.