Manually Entering Zeta Values for CPCs in the Exoid Control Suite

Zeta values for calibration particles no longer autofill in ECS 1.5 or later - find the correct zeta value for your CPCs

To ensure accurate zeta potential measurements, customers now need to manually enter the zeta potential values for their Calibration Particles (CPCs) in the Exoid Control Suite (ECS V1.5 or later) before running measurements on the Exoid. 

This update is in preparation for future Izon Data Suite (IDS) software changes, ensuring a smooth transition while maintaining measurement consistency. Additionally, CPC zeta values may vary between batches, and new batches will be introduced once the current supply is depleted.

What do you need to do? 

  1. Find the correct zeta value for your research: refer to the Table 1 below for the zeta values of CPC70, CPC100, CPC200, and CPC400 in different buffers. 

    Table 1. CPC Zeta Potential Values (mV)

    ECS- Zeta-values-support-table

  2. Enter the value in the ECS:  when prompted to Enter Calibration Details (Figure 1), enter the relevant zeta value into the Calibration Charge field.  

Exoid UM Zeta calibration particles

Figure 1. Enter Calibration Details tab in the ECS 1.5 where the Calibration Charge must be entered.